Vanuatu 40th Anniversary of Independence
PPP offers our congratulations to the Island Nation of Vanuatu on their 40th Anniversary of Independence! Imagine the power of 20,000 people marching through the COVID free streets of Port Vila to celebrate Vanuatu’s independence. We join the Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (PIANGO) commendation of Vanuatu’s leadership concerning West Papua’s freedom, quoting Vanuatu founding father and first PM Walter Lini that “Pacific will not be free unless all colonized territories including West Papua is free.”
See a video of the celebration here

Jacky Teagai
On April 27 2020, at the age of 51, after a long fight with cancer, Jacky Avrenant Ronal Teagai departed this world peacefully in his home in Courtenay, BC Canada. He was surrounded by his loved ones while listening to his favourite songs from the islands and accompanied in prayer by his family.
Jacky was born in Papeete, Tahiti, on October 29 1968. His mother was Marquesian from Hiva-Oa, and his father was from Takaroa, in the Tuamotu atolls. He grew up in New-Caledonia where he later got married in 1991 to Natasha Olivari, and had his firstborn son there too. In August 1994, he moved to the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island with his family, following his in-laws and soon after welcomed two more sons, and later, a daughter. He became a grandfather 3 years ago. He is survived today by three sisters and a brother, as well as his wife of almost 29 years, and his four children, Denyss, Darel, Melvin and Vehine Teagai.
Jacky had two places he called home, Vancouver Island and New-Caledonia. As he was aware of his coming death, he made it clear that the two most important things in his life were his faith and his family.
Jacky’s family shared this quote in rememberance:
“Blessed is the soul which, at the hour of its separation from the body, is sanctified from the vain imaginings of the peoples of the world. Such a soul liveth and moveth in accordance with the Will of its Creator, and entereth the all-highest Paradise.” Baha’u’llah, from the Baha’i Writings
Jacky was fondly remembered by his good friend Ake Lianga, a Solomon Islander and long time PPP friend also living in BC Canada:
Jacky, you were a true friend. A friend who was funny and with a great sense of humour. You were humble and loved to entertain everyone around you, the Pacific Island way. I am blessed to have known you those years. You showed kindness with a great heart to those that came across your path. Those times you invited me to spend time with your family, in Black Creek, you showed me to expect nothing more but live a simple life and be happy; “a true island way”. You had once encouraged me not to forget, but to embrace our South Pacific Island culture and knowledge wherever we live. I recalled on that day, some 22 years ago, walking along the street in Courtenay, a man yelled across the parking lot, “hey, you from Pacific?” and you were quite curious. Your face lit up in excitement as we introduced ourselves. It was the beginning of our friendship. I remember you convinced me to try to learn how to ride a bike for the first time and thought it was quite hilarious as Denyss, Darel, Melvin looked on, cheering and laughing. I will cherish every wonderful memory with you and your family, my friend and the love you shared with everyone around you. May your soul rest high and in peace with the almighty.