PPP’s Individual donors are our Lifeblood! Meet a long-time Lifetime Member and Featured Supporter:

I have enclosed a donation to your PPP Esmonde Endowment Fund. It feels very “right” for me to make it a substantial amount at this time when I am “able” to do so. I am now of an age when it is much more important to not put things off. I think it was SPPF’s involvement in the south pacific anti-nuclear concerns that brought me to SPPF and my meeting Phil [Esmonde], I was greatly saddened when he died. Although I am by no means “wealthy” I felt able to give a bit to a worthy cause at this stage in my life, and the PPP Esmonde Endowment Fund felt very right to me when it was first established and I wanted to “add a bit” to it. – – Melvin Moffat